Maia Brown and Stefanie Brendler
photo above taken by Josh Del Pino

Brivele is a Seattle-based ensemble who braid together Yiddish song, anti-fascist and labor balladry, folk-punk, and contemporary rabble-rousing in stirring vocal harmony.

In Yiddish, Brivele (בריוועלע) means "little letter." Like letters, songs travel — through time and over borders. They pick up dirt, aromas, fingerprints. They are sent to lovers, they foment revolution, they get stolen and censored, burned and salvaged, sewn into our clothes.

We journey into the archives of Yiddish anti-fascist musical tradition, bringing together anti-authoritarian satire, mournful remembrances, and the disguised political commentary in folk ditties and theater classics. These songs are a correspondence: our ancestors' voices speak clearly and uncompromisingly, sometimes sweetly, to our present moment.

Our journey began in January 2017 as a solicitation by Maia Brown to several friends: let's play antifa songs in Yiddish! We quickly solidified into a trio that included Stefanie Brendler and Hannah Hamavid, and since the fall of 2023, we have transitioned to a duo. We love and appreciate all of the contributions Hannah has offered to the band over these years.

We are discontented, sometimes silly, rarely slick, always cheeky. We draw from a long tradition of Diaspora-proud struggle. We sing in Yiddish because sometimes Yiddish says it best, and because we are the great-grandchildren of Yiddish, so it tastes familiar and unfamiliar at once. We sing it like the mixed-up, impure Yids we are and strive to be.

Listen to Brivele on Bandcamp or YouTube, and follow us on Instagram or Facebook. Sign up for our newsletter below to keep in touch. Learn more about us — Maia and Stefanie — on our websites: Maia Brown and Stefanie Brendler.